Sailor in the wild gay xhamster

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Death įord died Jwhen his motorcycle was struck by a truck making an illegal turn onto Sunset Boulevard. After Ford's death Markle ran a travel agency and oversaw Ford's collection of pictures from his career. Ford and Markle lived together in Los Angeles and Hawaii and raised tropical birds. After Divine's death, Ford began a relationship with Craig Markle. The two traveled together and he made appearances at clubs in which Divine was contracted to perform. In a scene that foreshadowed what happened to Ford in real life, his character had a severe motorcycle accident that left him hospitalized and in a coma.įord had a relationship with cult actor Divine. In his starring role for the film Games, directed by Steve Scott, Ford played a medal-winning swimmer in the Gay Games competition, with Al Parker playing a photographer assigned to take professional portraits of the athlete. įord paired with David Alan Reis aka 'Lance' in Leo & Lance and Blonds Do It Best, Leo and Lance directed by William Higgins Blonds Do It Best directed by Richard Morgan.

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In 1989, Ford was crowned King of the Beaux Arts Ball in New York City.

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